måndag 7 december 2015

We Don't Want to Be Understood?

Let me tell you a story.

My whole life I've been wandering around with one type of question circulating through my head.

"Will someone ever understand me?"
"Will someone TRY to understand me?"
"Am I truly alone in this huge, scary world filled with 7 billion human beings?"

Naturally, a much simpler thought never occurred to me: What if I feel lonely because of other reasons? What if the holy grail I'm so desperately searching for isn't the understanding of other people? 

A couple of days ago, a friend I ironically don't know that well turned out to not only understand me - she apparently shares every single personality trait I thought NOBODY would ever relate to. And this fact...

Didn't make me any wiser. It more than anything felt like a groundbreaking discovery  the scientist within me would receive the nobel prize for. But at the same time, I simply sat on my butt thinking;

"Now what?"

After 24 years of searching I've finally found the Holy Grail I've been searching for. Yet it feels like nothing had changed. Nothing at all.

Why can't we ever feel some goddamn closure?

It has become clear to me. I'm not interested in being understood. I'm not interested in people always understanding what goes through my brain 100% all of the time.

What I want is for people to respect me, and acknowledge that I'm different.

"I don't agree with your opinion Kitcha, but I can certainly see your point. Interesting!"
"You're right! I never thought about that."
"We're so different, but I like you anyway."

Stuff like that. It makes sense. I've always hated when people act like detectives and try to deduce what I'm thinking or what's going on in my life (95% of the time they're wrong). What I want is respect and acknowledgement (the correct word is 'Validation', but this lil' bastard calls for an entirely seperate blog entry by itself).

And we're all different. Maybe you also search for people to understand you. Maybe you don't. Maybe you search in vain. Maybe not.

Please tell me dear reader, what stands to be YOUR holy grail?

torsdag 8 oktober 2015

Kitcha's Spreepicky Review~ ☆

Pink is a color I should wear way more often, so here we go!

Wig, shawl and bracelet ring combo from Spreepicky.

You've heard about Spreepicky right? An online store focusing on cute fashion and cosplay - offering fabulous clothes, accessories and so much more! This is my absolutely first experience with them so let's look at goods one by one!

7 Candy Colors Thin Cardigan Shawls Coat 

For starters we have this cardigan shawl - these are available in many colors but I personally chose the pink one. The first thing to catch my attention was the material itself: it's thin, stretchy and almost feels vulnerable (don't explore thorn bushes while wearing this). I could pair this together with most of my t-shirts and it blended right in (as long as the colors matched). It's much more discreet than I expected, and won't instantly give your style that long awaited overhaul by itself, but if you're able to match this with other great clothes it will definitely enhance your whole look! The picture at the left is a perfect example - without the shawl it would just be a tanktop and jeans, making a really boring outfit. Add the shawl and I suddenly look stylish.

Cosplay Guilty Yuzuriha
Inori Gradual Pink 70 CM Wig

Now to put my attention on the opposite; something really attention-grabbing. BAM! A pink cosplay wig that you simply can't stop looking at. Every time I've watched myself in the mirror I've been pleasantly surprised - the different shades and colors blend perfectly with each other and the wig matches with the Cardigan Shawl. The only downside for me was that it looked a bit TOO feminine on me. Sure it works, but it's not the style I'm looking for. Luckily for me the wig excels in both volume and quality, allowing me to easily cut and restyle it (with the help of my trustworthy hairdresser Petri Valentin).

I swear to god anime characters have
better hair than we'll ever do...

Tadaa. This tranformation literally allowed me to fall in love with my new wig. Because let's just get real for a moment: most long j-fashion wigs I've tried have been bad. Something is always off, whether we're speaking quality, durability, how hard it is to style, the colors make it look plastic and so on. THIS WIG IS IN MY OPINION FLAWLESS. The only "downside" would be how much it restricts your look, but since you can restyle it (and I'll always recommend everyone to cut and redo their wigs right from the go), I easily give this one top score. Also, notice something not-so-pink in the picture? Something on my hand maybe? Yep, along with all these pink stuff I received something entirely different...

Vintage-style Rose Crystal Lace Bracelet Ring 

I don't own much clothes and accessories that radiates a fancy, almost "aristocratic" feeling, yet this ring and bracelet combo allows me to achieve that. Just look at the picture above, surely you'd agree how different my look is from the previous pink one? Yet the accessory suits well for both styles, and I can't really think of many looks I wouldn't be able to wear it with. Versity is the keyword here, even more so than the Cardigan Shawl. But it comes with a catch - it's not easy to put on. I always need someone to help me (and not everyone I've asked has been able to). This poses a problem if I (for instance) have to catch the train on short notice, so I'll only be wearing this on fancy occasions.

All in all these items are great - especially the wig is awesome beyond words! Sure they came with their quirks, but that's a given for anything fashionable that's supposed to stand out. The shipping took about three weeks which is okay, but there's yet one thing to mention that makes Spreepicky stand out even more:

Spreepicky themselves.

A cute Wig Comb they sent as a bonus.

You'll simply have to experience the customer support yourself to understand what I mean - the people working there are so genuine and caring that you'll get emotionally invested while buying. You just know know you're in safe hands. Any questions or problems? Just contact them, they'll help you out almost instantly. They sent me a cute wig comb as an added bonus and a personal postcard wishing me good luck. How cute isn't that? In our modern era of companies doing anything and everything for the soulless sake of making money, Spreepicky realizes the value in actually caring and taking care of your customers. This is reason enough for me to return.

Frankly speaking I couldn't get a better first experience with Spreepicky. This store is fantastic and I'm so happy to contribute with this review. Hope it helped you out, and be sure to use my code Kitcha for a 10% discount on any order over 30$.

See you all dressed up!

Click below to catch these products:

Pink Wig

► Cardigan Shawl

► Bracelet and Ring Combo 

onsdag 17 september 2014

Photography and No Rules

One rule applies to all of my solo projects, and that is: No rules.

I'll never limit this blog with any rules. This will be my sacred haven on the web - the kind of place where I can whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like. If I've understood my supporters and fanbase correctly, I'm appreciated for my honesty. People like that I'm open with both my everyday life, my projects and my opinions. I don't really like keeping secrets, and this blog will be an even greater reflection of my personality than Twitter, Facebook etc.

Here's a high-fiving pug I found on the web. Since this blog post
is pretty serious, I realised you'd need a break.

One thing is certain though: I'll probably share lots of photographies I'll take in the future. Photography is one of my newest hobbies - that's right, hobby. For now. I can't decide if this will be some kind of side project-ish profession, and I'm not making any promises. But I'll probably spam you with lots of pictures. Because let's face it, we all love to be spammed. So DO follow, and comment away. Enjoy this blog, or just stalk it and pretend you're more interested than you actually are. Either way is fine!
Omg it's me. Picture taken by Petri Valentin
using my new camera. Edited by me. Yay.

Until next time - let's raise some hell!!

onsdag 18 juni 2014

The Long Awaited Introduction!

Introduction time!

Since I decided to start my blog right off with a clothing review I skipped the formal introductions. And as much as I love to surprise everyone and break all the rules, now's the time for a proper introduction:

Name's Kitcha Saventhes. I'm a guy with colorful hair who's all over the place. Mainly known for drumming in my pop rock band Crestillion, I'm the creative kind who loves to express myself. Be it through music, fashion, writing texts and vlogging, this blog will focus on just that: the whole picture of me and who I am.

I'm also gonna add lots of pictures
to grab your attention. Sneaky huh?
Since I've received lots of warm comments for my clothing reviews, I'll probably do more reviews - maybe my new bought Wii U should be next up? Either way I'm gonna write just about anything I feel like and probably learn to add more of my wacky humor in the future (geez, I sound so serious right now).

Question is, what do you guys wanna read about?


Obligatory links

måndag 16 juni 2014

In-Set Hooded Vest - Deepstyle [Clothing Review]

And the Kitcha-blog is on!

The first entry on this blog will be what the title says; a review for one of my favorite clothes. A proper blog introduction will be saved for the future, since I love controversy and jump starting.

- Clothing Review: In-Set Hooded Vest -

The vest used in combination with
clothes from different outfits.

Provided by Deepstyle and bought at Yesstyle, the In-Set Hooded Vest is one of my most worn pieces of clothing. Although mainly branded as korean fashion, it works really well with my "visual kei"-inspired looks.

This vest is purely MAGICAL in the sense that it wings my entire arsenal of simpler clothing and outfits. Clothes that usually makes a boring combination magically turns into a well thought outfit when used with this vest - in the most fashionably stylish way.

Its simple yet unique design breathes charisma, and easily lets you express yourself without the feel of wearing something 'extraordinarily heavy'.
The vest used with a different outfit
than in previous picture. 
The vest itself. Note that the star
accessory is not included.

Overall it's a fantastic piece of clothing that fits well into most of my alternative outfits - all while grabbing lots of attention. It's extremely comfortable and easily hand washed, and the elastic material protects it from damage. The vest itself isn't warm, and should therefore be avoided during cold weathers. It's one size, meant to fit everyone.

Insanely flexible, unique and charismatic

Goes well with:
Any outfit that doesn't grab too much attention
by its own

Watch out for:
Cold weathers, mixing with other clothes grabbing too much attention

One of my favorite clothes because of a reason.

While the clothing itself isn't sold at Yesstyle anymore, Deepstyle provides lots of clothes with similar vibes. Be sure to check them out: